
UvA Sociaal is one of the oldest parties at the University of Amsterdam, founded in 2005 with the ambition to establish, in theory and practice, an open university that is democratic and inclusive. UvA Social advocates for an accessible, inclusive, and democratic university with a special emphasis on sustainability and autonomy for both teachers and students. Our 4 pillars are diversity, accessibility, sustainability and the quality of education. We consider it crucial that every student feels at home at the University of Amsterdam, irrespective of race, sexual orientation, gender, culture or disabilities. We believe that focusing on only one marginalised group is not enough, we must consider all students and their place at the university. We stand for an inclusive and diverse university, not only in terms of people but also in knowledge.
What we stand for:
A more diverse and inclusive university
Increased attention to sustainability at the university
A more accessible university
Greater autonomy for teachers and students
Protection of the quality of education in the face of budget cuts.

Click on any motion below to see the parties explination

The University must prioritise active diversity policies, including decolonization
Fully agree

All board members of study associations should receive equal financial support from the University

The Binding Study Advice (BSA) should be abolished

More investment is needed in interdisciplinary education (providing students with more than just one perspective on a particular subject, such as is done in honours, PPLE or IIS programs)

Calling the police is an appropriate response by the university to deal with student protests and demonstrations
Fully disagree

Programs should have the sole responsibility in deciding whether they teach in Dutch or in English

Admission to programs with a limited student capacity should be based on selection procedure rather than random selection through a lottery system

The UvA should cut ties with fossil fuel companies like Shell
Fully agree

The canteen should be deprivatized
Fully agree

Having a physical accessibility university that provides equitable education for it’s students is a priority for the University
Fully agree

The UvA should invest in more accessibility for students with functional limitations as well as sensitivity towards these students
Fully agree

Students wishing to take honours courses should be able to do so based on their motivation, regardless of their grades

It is the government’s responsibility to provide mental health support for students. Therefore, the university should not spend extra resources on this
Fully disagree

The Numerus Fixus should be used to stopthe growth of the university

The university should be allowed to limit the number of international students

The UvA should involve students in long term plans for study spaces and teaching facilities according to the expected changes in student population

Student councils should support occupations as a legitimate means of protest at the university

Academic freedom is the most important value to uphold for a university

The university lacks sufficient readily accessible gender-neutral toilets

The UvA should offer free menstrual products at each campus
Fully agree

As a way to curb the growth of the university, Dutch language courses should be a mandatory part of all programs

All lectures should be available online for everyone
Fully agree

There should be mandatory attendance for tutorials
Fully disagree

The UvA should address problems such as systemic overwork and bad working conditions among its teachers by giving out more permanent contracts
Fully agree

The university should stop the prioritisation of students from outside the EU in regard to the university provided student housing

The executive board of the university should be elected through an open election by the students and worker’s body

All food options should be plant based by default

The UvA should give more training to the teaching assistants
Fully agree

Student & Workers Councils should have the final say in policy decisions